상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Graduation (Kyungpook National University, South Korea, Deagu)

English writing/Academic

by South Korea life 2019. 12. 25. 15:45



Do you know Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Deagu city?

KNU is a one of major university at Deagu city. I studied here from 2005.02 to 2019.02. 

( link: http://knu.ac.kr/ )

Kyungpook National University


From Bachelor degree to Ph.D degree, I studied here. During this period, I finished the military service, too.

I finish the Ph.D course in this year. (2019.02)


My major is Signal processsing. I majorly treated EEG signal and sometimes I also treated sound and image signal, too. It was very hard time to finish the Ph.D course. My supervisor asked many things to improve the quality of thesis. 

Graduation (2019.02.)


During the Ph.D course, I focused on the feature engineering and feature learning for EEG signal processing. My task was Emotion recognition and Intention recogniton based on EEG signal. To do these tasks, I applied several EEG features (phase locking value, coherence analysis, power analysis, statistaical analysis, entropy), deep learning (CNN and LSTM) and Bayesian modeling.


After the Ph.D course, I got the job at major telecommunication company in South Korea. Now, I lived in Seoul. Life in Seoul looks good but it needs many money. 


I will write down about my life in seoul and cultures.


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