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Covid-19 ... Seoul, South Korea (2020.11.28.)

English writing/Culture

by South Korea life 2020. 11. 28. 21:40



I live in Seoul, South Korea. Nowadays, the trend of Covid-19 confirmed person is increased. You can check the Covid-19 trend in the link below.

Link: www.seoul.go.kr/coronaV/coronaStatus.do 


So, the government of South Korea decides to increase the level of distance step from level 1 to level 2. The table below shows the guideline for the level of distance step. 

  Level 1 Level2
  Seoul, Kyunggi-do, Incheon Other
Gathering event Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules Limited to 50 people indoors, limited to 100 people outdoors Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules
Sport event Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules, Limited to 50% of people Limited to 30% of people
Public facilities Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules Limited to 50% of people
High-risk facility (place) Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules Prohibition of door-to-door sales and direct sales promotion hall, 
Church Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules, Writing a list of people in attendance Limited to 30% of people Depends on the local situation
Cafe Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules, Writing a list of people in attendance Take out or delivery service
Store (bakery, food store, ...) Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules, Writing a list of people in attendance 1m distance between the tables, lift 1 seat, use partition screen
- Over 9 pm: take out or delivery service only
Karaoke Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules, Writing a list of people in attendance Only drink water or non-alcohol things. Disinfect after use
- Over 9 pm: shop operating hours end
PC room Wearing a mask, observing quarantine rules, Writing a list of people in attendance Only drink water or non-alcohol things, lift 1 seat (if there is a partition screen, then there is no lift seat.)

Today, I stayed in my home. Boring today...


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